Approximate h-model of CE, CB, CC amplifier

Approximate h-model:

In the analysis of the transistor amplifier, we have as far used the exact h-model for the transistor. In practice, we may conveniently use an approximately h-model for the transistor which introduces an error of < 10% in most cases.

This much error may be conveniently tolerated since the h-parameters themselves are not steady but vary considerably for the same type of transistor. We first derive this approximate CE h-model.

Figure 1 gives the equivalent circuit of the CE amplifier using the exact h-model for the CE transistor.

The following steps are used to drive the approximate h-model:

  1. If R_L < 0.1\dfrac{1}{h_{oe}}. If hoe. RL < 0.1, then we may neglected  \dfrac{1}{h_{oe}}, being in parallel with RL.
  2. Having neglected hoe, the collected current IC equals hfe. Ib and the magnitude of the dependent voltage generator in the emitter circuit are then given by,

h_{re}\times | V_C| = h_{re} \times I_C \times R_L \approx h_{re} \times h_{fe} \times I_b\times R_L        …..(1)

equivalent circuit using exact h-model of ce amplifier

But  h_{re} \times h_{fe} \approx 0.1. Hence the voltage hre |VC | in the emitter circuit may be neglected in comparison with the voltage drop hie. Ib provided that RL is not very large. Then the approximate CE h-model reduces to the form shown in Figure 2.

equivalent circuit using approximate h model

Approximate h-model Valid for all the three Configuration

The approximate CE h-model of Figure 2 is redrawn in figure 3. This model may be used for any of the three configurations by grounding the appropriate node and analysis done accordingly. It may be proved that the error in values of AI, Ri, AV, or output terminal resistance Rot (= R0 || RL) caused by the use of an approximate model does not exceed 10% if h_{oe} \times R_L < 0.1.

approximate h model for all configuration

Analysis of CE Amplifier using Approximate h-model

Figure 2 gives the equivalent circuit of a CE amplifier using an approximate h-model for the transistor. For this equivalent circuit, we get,

Current gain A_I = \dfrac{-h_{fe}\times I_b}{I_b} = -h_{fe}      …..(2)

Input resistance R_i = h_{ie}

Voltage gain  A_V = A_I \times \dfrac{R_L}{R_i} = \dfrac{-h_{fe}\times R_L}{h_{ie}}      ……(3)

Output resistance R0: From this approximate equivalent circuit of figure 1(b) with Vs = 0 and with an external voltage source connected across the output, we get Ib = 0 and therefore IC = 0. Hence output resistance  R_0 = \infty. However, in actual practice, R0 lies between 40 k\Omega and 80 k\Omega depending on the value of RS.

With load resistance  R_L = 4 k\Omega (the maximum practical value), the output terminal resistance  R_t = R_L || \infty = R_L = 4 k\Omega

Condition  h_{oe} \times R_L < 0.1 For a typical transistor  h_{oe} = 25 \times 10^{-6}S. Hence to meet the condition that  h_[oe] \times R_L < 0.1, we must use RL less than 4 k\Omega.

Analysis of CB Amplifier using the Approximate Model

Figure 4 gives the equivalent circuit of a CB amplifier using the approximate model for the transistor as given in figure 2 with the base grounded, the input applied between the emitter and base, and output obtained across load resistor RL between the collector and the base.

h model approximation of CB configuration

Current gain A_I = \dfrac{I_L}{I_e} = \dfrac{-h_{fe}\times I_b}{-(1 + h_{fe})\times I_b} = \dfrac{h_{fe}}{1 + h_{fe}}     …..(4)

Input resistance Ri: from figure 4,

V_e = -I_b \times h_{ie}        ……(5)

I_e = -(1 + h_{fe})\times I_b        …….(6)

Hence,  R_i = \dfrac{V_e}{I_e} = \dfrac{-I_b \times h_{ie}}{-I_b(1 + h_{fe})} = \dfrac{h_{ie}}{1 + h_{fe}}         …..(7)

Voltage Gain AV: From figure 4,

 V_C = -h_{fe} \times I_b \times R_L

Hence,  A_V = \dfrac{V_C}{V_e} = \dfrac{-h_{fe}\times I_b \times R_L}{-I_b \times h_{ie}} = \dfrac{h_{fe}\times R_L}{h_{ie}}       …..(8)

Output resistance In the equivalent circuit of figure 3, with Vs = 0, we get I­e = 0. Hence, Ib = 0. Hence the output resistance  R_0 = \infty.

Output Terminal Resistance  R_{ot} = R_0 || R_L = \infty || R_L = R_L      …..(9)

Analysis of CC Amplifier (Emitter Follower) using Approximate h-model

Figure 5 gives the equivalent circuit of an emitter follower using the approximate model as given in figure 3, with the collector grounded, the input signal applied between the base and the ground, and the load impedance RL connected between the emitter and ground.

h model approximate of cc configuration

Current gain AI: from the circuit of figure 5,

Load current I_L = (1 + h_{fe}) I_b     …..(10)

Hence Current gain A_I = \dfrac{I_L}{I_b} = (1 + h_{fe})     …..(11)

Input resistance Ri: from figure 5,

V_b = I_b \times h_{ie} + (1 + h_{fe})I_b\times R_L       …..(12)

Hence, R_i = \dfrac{V_b}{I_b} = h_{ie} + (1 + h_{fe})R_L        ……(13)

Voltage Gain AV: From figure 5,

V_e = (1 + h_{fe})I_b \times R_L       ……(14)

Hence,  A_V = \dfrac{V_e}{V_b} = \dfrac{(1 + h_{fe})I_b\times R_L}{I_b \times h_{ie} + (1 + h_{fe})I_b \times R_L}

= \dfrac{(1 + h_{fe})R_L}{h_{ie} + (1 + h+{fe})R_L}  = 1-\dfrac{h_{ie}}{h_{ie} + (1 + h_{fe})R_L}  = 1-\dfrac{h_{ie}}{R_i}

Output Resistance From figure 5, Open circuit output voltage = VS

Short circuit output current  I = (1 + h_{fe})I_b = \dfrac{(1 + h_{fe})V_s}{h_{ie} + R_s}

Hence output impedance R_0 = \dfrac{Open\ circuit\ output\ voltage}{Short\ circuit\ output\ current} = \dfrac{h_{ie} + R_s}{1 + h_{fe}}

Output terminal Impedance R_{ot} = R_0 || R_L

Table 1 gives expressions for current gain etc. for the three configurations using an approximate h-model.

Table 1 Expressions for AI, Ri, AV, R0, and Rot using Approximate h-model
Quantity CE CB CC
AI -hfe \dfrac{h_{fe} }{1 + h_{fe}} 1 + hfe
Ri hie \dfrac{h_{ie} }{1 + h_{fe}} hie + (1 + hfe)RL
AV \dfrac{h_{fe}\times R_L}{h_{ie}} \dfrac{h_{fe} \times R_L}{R_e} 1-\dfrac{h_{ie}}{R_i}
R0  \infty  \infty  \dfrac{h_{ie} + R_s}{1 + h_{fe}}
Rot RL RL R0 || RL


3 Thoughts to “Approximate h-model of CE, CB, CC amplifier”

  1. iniyan

    Where is figure 5? the model for cc amplifier

    1. Hi iniyan, thankyou for letting us know.
      Now, the article is updated with picture.

  2. Kavyapadala

    We have a little bit confusion about this topics now it will clarified.
    Thank you sir

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